Sunday, August 29, 2010

Science, Faith, and the bridge of Metaphysics.

Science, Faith, and the bridge of Metaphysics.
by Alex Marthaller on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 1:51am.

The destruction of the relationship between man and God is largely due to the modern denouncement of metaphysics as relative in the realm of science. Metaphysics is the bridge between modern scientific understanding and of our relationship with God, as it is the science of the soul. Philosophers like Kant and Schopenhauer have wrestled with it as they tried to include mention of the will within itself and the Noumenon central to absolute reality, but as science entered the age of enlightenment the use for such terms was limited as philosophical flights of fancy, and God was reasoned out. Reasonability can not account for the consequences for our actions we must now face in a dying world. Science must be revisited to incorporate a system of modern cosmology and metaphysics that allow room for the spirit and for God to exist;likewise, religion and spiritual faith must be able to be strong in its foundations, yet allow for enough flexability to incorporate the observations and probabilities of good science. For example, I can believe in Christ and believe that the Earth is not the center of the universe; just as, I can believe in the probability of evolution over vast epochs of time and still believe that it is God's hand which guides such creation, and still believe in the virgin birth, crusifiction, and resurection. There are no contradictions except the minds which maintain them. This new paradigm, a marrage of sorts, will be the saving factor for our existence and the restructuring of a deep ecology.

Science and faith, which allows metaphysics to flourish, are quite compatible. This is an insight that is slowly beginning to build in the scientific and academic circles. For we are beginning to realize that everything we observe with our sciences, including our magnificent minds, are really phenomenal aspects, or material incarnations, of a much greater reality; the greater reality of which I speak can be metaphorically described as an onion. An onion is made of several layers of cells which incorporate to create the onion in totality. Our universe, and reality are similar to this model; in that, the totality of our universe, of reality, of nature is a rich multi-layered, multi-dimensional reality of which we are aware of the most minute aspects. The sciences allow us to understand physical phenomenon, while metaphysics and religion allow us to experience yet other reflective layers, there may even be layers that we can not begin to perceive until our material bodies die and we assume form in a higher spiritual dimention. The abstract source of our being which we understand through our personal faith’s and religions as God, can also be felt in the patterns of nature. Indeed, every time we look through a microscope at our DNA, or through a telescope at the mysterious vastness of the cosmos, we are looking at direct evidence, at artifacts of God’s creation and the inner-workings of God’s mind.

The very structure of the cosmos contains a spiritual message, and why wouldn't it for it is God who created that very stucture. The very structure which is way out in space when you look at galaxies and nebula, and the very structure within your own cells. These structures which we are identifying through the sciences are quite literally revelations coming from the same source as religion itself. Both the sciences and spiritual traditions of faith in God are manifestations of Universal Intellect, the Logos, the cosmose itself as an integral aspect of God and the total Universe of meaning in which man lives, contemplates, and dies, and continues on in his spiritual heritage.

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