Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sanctity of life as maxim toward evolution of human thought.

Why do we continue to destroy the lives of the innocent? Wild animals will destroy their young, while human beings nurture them. Understanding the sanctity of life is one of those spiritually significant and universal concepts that make us different, better created with an image in mind, better evolved, than all other ...animals except perhaps whales, ...and dolphins. I am not just talking about we Americans, I am talking about we as an entire human race. The debate moves beyond 20th century political ideals, and actually becomes a problem fixated in the seat of the collective unconsious.The point I am making is that for the human to advance to the next stage, sanctity of life is a concept that must be understood as fundamental to existence. Where it is 6 million Jews; the millions of babies lost to infanticide; or the millions lost in war, the point is the same: Life must become more important than individual means to ends. That humans will willingly participate in aborative infanticide, to any degree with the exception of saving a mother's life, and more disturbingly to a point of massive numbers of babies being killed every year throughout the world is a sign of our limited state of consciousness and development in the evolution of the human being. Much in the same way that we are willing to dehumanize and kill other people in other nations in the act of war, is the epidemic in the mass killings of our infantile children. War is war on any front: it dehumanizes; it enslaves (takes away choice by asserting choice); it slaughters and destroys life. If we are going to make it as the human race, and evolve to the next step of conscious awareness in humanity, sanctity of life must become a universal maxim in a total shift in the paradigm of human culture the entire world through.

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