Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spiritual tools of faith

Immanuel Kant described reality observable through scientific things as phenomenon, and aptly called the central unseen center of reality as the Noumea, or Noumenon.Our world seems to readily believe in things that it can see and measure with ruler and pen; however, there are others tools with which we encounter the me...taphysical, the spiritual, God in essence. Those tools are glimpsed in the peripherals of our conscious experience, and are internalized as things like faith, love, forgiveness, etc... They are the spiritual tools of which have been implanted in each and every human being so that each of us may indeed come to know (personally) that which is beyond existence and time and space, so that we may come through faith to know God. Indeed, Kant left off with simply stating that this needed more investigation in a metaphysical work, because at the time he was writing "The critique of pure reason". Still, however, as a fellow INTP (who impulsively searches for meaning and truth) he could not dismiss the overwhelming fact of the human experience to those intuitive kinds of tools that seem to be ingrained somewhere deep in our souls.I can see that Faith is belief in things unproven and unseen, for it is itself something unseen but surely felt; more deeply in some than in others. It has also been said that Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see (Heberews 11:1) On a bit of a rabbit trail this is an excellent chapter discussing deeply the virtue and wisdom of faith.

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