Thursday, June 10, 2010

You get what you pray for.

Indeed, it seems, that for any of the wisdom virtues to grow and become incorporated into the soul, they must be challenged. I prayed for patience and I was gifted with a son who is as challenging as myself. I prayed for my life to change for the better, and I was allowed to nearly destroy myself prior. I prayed to never feel alone again, and I was... See More gifted with an amazing wife and children. I prayed to become humble, and I was given a job to toilet and bathe the demented and dying. I pray for wisdom daily, and it usually comes threefold in personally challenging ways that are more like exercises or tests. I think that when we talk to God directly and ask him to increase our potential, if our hearts are aligned, we are given just what we pray for; thus, "Be careful of what you pray for, you just might get it". Now, think of a good parent as a steward, nurturer, and trainer, as our Heavenly father is our ultimate parent in these ways. He doesn't just give us what we ask for because that would not really "create" us in a lasting way; instead, he acknowledges us and allows us to receive these wisdoms and spiritual fruits through meeting the challenge of circumstances. Again, this is why faith is of the most important virtue for taking upon the path of such internalized wisdoms.

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