Saturday, July 3, 2010

Poem by Alan Watts

You're breathing
The wind is blowing
The trees are waving
Your nerves are tingling

...The individual and the universe
Are inseparable
But the curious thing is
Very few people are aware of it

Everything in nature
Depends on everything else
So it's interconnected

We confuse ourselves as living organisms which are one with this whole universe
With something we call our personality
And what is our personality?

And our fundamental self is not something just inside the skin
It's everything around us with which we connect

When you look out of your eyes
At nature happening out there
You're looking at you
That's the real you-
The you that goes on of itself

Now listen

It's absolutely necessary
That we let go of ourselves- and it can't be done,
Not by anything that we call doing it, acting, willing,
Or even just accepting things

It seems that the human being
Really has a very simple kind of mind... ~ Alan Watts (Mid 20th century philosopher).

Further Musing:
In this poem it seems as though Dr. Watts is speaking of the Noumenon central to existence. This is the same Noumenon expressed by Immanuel Kant and Schopenhauer as that central point of reality that exists behind the scenes as an abstract potential causing existence to occur by a "willing of will itself"; the same centrality expressed as "The Way of Things" or Te Tao by the ancient Chinese philosophers, including, more contemporary, Bruce Lee and Alan Watts; the same omnipresent spirit of God who created everything and expressed himself as the great "I am".

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