Sunday, August 29, 2010
Science, Faith, and the bridge of Metaphysics.
by Alex Marthaller on Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 1:51am.
The destruction of the relationship between man and God is largely due to the modern denouncement of metaphysics as relative in the realm of science. Metaphysics is the bridge between modern scientific understanding and of our relationship with God, as it is the science of the soul. Philosophers like Kant and Schopenhauer have wrestled with it as they tried to include mention of the will within itself and the Noumenon central to absolute reality, but as science entered the age of enlightenment the use for such terms was limited as philosophical flights of fancy, and God was reasoned out. Reasonability can not account for the consequences for our actions we must now face in a dying world. Science must be revisited to incorporate a system of modern cosmology and metaphysics that allow room for the spirit and for God to exist;likewise, religion and spiritual faith must be able to be strong in its foundations, yet allow for enough flexability to incorporate the observations and probabilities of good science. For example, I can believe in Christ and believe that the Earth is not the center of the universe; just as, I can believe in the probability of evolution over vast epochs of time and still believe that it is God's hand which guides such creation, and still believe in the virgin birth, crusifiction, and resurection. There are no contradictions except the minds which maintain them. This new paradigm, a marrage of sorts, will be the saving factor for our existence and the restructuring of a deep ecology.
Science and faith, which allows metaphysics to flourish, are quite compatible. This is an insight that is slowly beginning to build in the scientific and academic circles. For we are beginning to realize that everything we observe with our sciences, including our magnificent minds, are really phenomenal aspects, or material incarnations, of a much greater reality; the greater reality of which I speak can be metaphorically described as an onion. An onion is made of several layers of cells which incorporate to create the onion in totality. Our universe, and reality are similar to this model; in that, the totality of our universe, of reality, of nature is a rich multi-layered, multi-dimensional reality of which we are aware of the most minute aspects. The sciences allow us to understand physical phenomenon, while metaphysics and religion allow us to experience yet other reflective layers, there may even be layers that we can not begin to perceive until our material bodies die and we assume form in a higher spiritual dimention. The abstract source of our being which we understand through our personal faith’s and religions as God, can also be felt in the patterns of nature. Indeed, every time we look through a microscope at our DNA, or through a telescope at the mysterious vastness of the cosmos, we are looking at direct evidence, at artifacts of God’s creation and the inner-workings of God’s mind.
The very structure of the cosmos contains a spiritual message, and why wouldn't it for it is God who created that very stucture. The very structure which is way out in space when you look at galaxies and nebula, and the very structure within your own cells. These structures which we are identifying through the sciences are quite literally revelations coming from the same source as religion itself. Both the sciences and spiritual traditions of faith in God are manifestations of Universal Intellect, the Logos, the cosmose itself as an integral aspect of God and the total Universe of meaning in which man lives, contemplates, and dies, and continues on in his spiritual heritage.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Late night ramblings
There are just so many rabbit trails to go down with this series of thoughts: for example, if 98% of our material bodies change completley within a year, then how is it that we can retain memories for decades? This only adds to the hard pro...blem of consciousness, and supports the idea that though thoughts are influenced by the matter of the brain, they actually originate and exist in a dimention higher than that of the matter itself. Perhaps thoughts are something like radio waves from God, and our individual minds are merely organic transducers of consciousness. This is why individual consciousness seems subjective, but really it is just a very small part of the total universal and objective state of consciousness, something like Jung's idea of the shared collective unconscious.
Patterns everywhere... 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55... existing in and around us, like pieces of a holligram. 50 billion cells each day, 40 thousand people, 1,000 stars... The atom, the solar system, the galaxy... Branches on a tree, veins in a leaf, our lives, ripples on a pond, waves in the ocean... all just the rantings of a mind that needs to fall asleep
Monday, August 23, 2010
It is our own widespread social narcissism of epidemic proportion that eludes the majority from the fact that we humans too are fragile animals that could easily join the other 99.8% of all other species that once thrived on Earth but are now extinct. To vainly believe that our race is so superior and "entitled" to the point of negligent destruction of the world's biosphere reeks of the very arrogance and blasphemy of which many an ancient tale and holy scripture had warned against as it may anger God enough to allow us to perish. Indeed there are even those who observe the impending collapse of everything we know of as our world as a prophesy playing itself out into a manmade destructive crescendo of apocalyptic proportions. Narcissism arises in the child who "suffers from a prolonged state of unmet needs" (Winter, Koger, pg. 45). As a society who is displaced from the "source" of our being we too suffer a prolonged unquenchable thirst of unmet needs; thus, we have become a narcissistic society of starving consumers of material reality that just isn't as real as we think. The problem is, is that many of us are so far removed from the source of our being that we do not know how to properly feed our psyche; that is we do not know where to begin to find the correct and healthy food for our minds and souls. We will not find the proper nourishment on the television, nor will we find it in any consumer product or underwear ad, nor will we find it on any of the artificial summits of the mountains of distorted notions we climb in search of our selves. We're just not there, anywhere to be seen. We can never truly meet our psyche's needs by applying artificial and material things to ourselves to fill in the desolate void in our lives; inasmuch, we will always hunger and thirst for more money, more ego status, a faster car, a bigger house, and more power because these are not the things that our souls' and minds' need. This would be like eating nothing but cotton candy and drinking muck when we really need a sustainable meal and fresh clean water. This blinding epidemic of cultural narcissism and global ecological destruction allude to a greater dysfunction within the shared psychology of Western industrialized materialist consumer society.
Narcissism arises in the child who "suffers from a prolonged state of unmet needs"; thus, causing the individual to enter into a life long pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition. This is a sever neurotic reaction to anxiety caused by lack of nurturing substance sometime during child development; inasmuch, the neurotic behavior eventually morphs into neurosis and eventually into a diagnosable (DSMIV) psychological disorder. The Narcissist must create and maintain a perceived reality that makes them the central figure, and all other persons merely extentions of themselves rather than real people with a seperate reality, lives, and boundaries. They will often think themselves to be elusive and somehow better than most everyone else, this may appear to them as being wealthier or more intelligent than anyone else; thus, relationships are very (black or white), they will either include others into their grand dilusion of being greater, or they will damn others to the opposite of them. If they think they are the most intelligent person in the world, others will be reduced to being imbeciles. The Narcissist believes much like an infant child, that the world revolves around their hunger for self and for nurturing. Often times the Narcissist will seek to feed their hunger-lust for nurturing and self by excessivley nurturing their false reality and delusion of grandure, or in manipulating others to gain the emotional attention they hunger for: much in the same way that a child cries when hungry.
That is the individual behavior of the Narcissist. It is a real disorder on a personal level, but it has also become a large scale epidemic as a social dysfuntion in the patterns of our societies behavior in terms of how we view ourselves, our rights, and our interaction with the rest of the world. Thus, we continue to hunger and inexhaustably consume our relationships, our natural habitat, and our spiritual identities. Narcissism is a sign of the times, and is the large scale psychosis that will dismantle our civilization as we know it.
Now think about that, then take a look around. Is it you? Is it someone you know? Is it a group of people you know? Do you belong to that group? Are the problems our world is facing a byproduct and symptom to the larg scale social epidemic psychological disorder of Narcissism?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Einstein's brain and evolution.
Brain Evolution and Theistic synthesis
Friday, July 9, 2010
The mountian and I
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Good enough for God.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Poem by Alan Watts
You're breathing
The wind is blowing
The trees are waving
Your nerves are tingling
...The individual and the universe
Are inseparable
But the curious thing is
Very few people are aware of it
Everything in nature
Depends on everything else
So it's interconnected
We confuse ourselves as living organisms which are one with this whole universe
With something we call our personality
And what is our personality?
And our fundamental self is not something just inside the skin
It's everything around us with which we connect
When you look out of your eyes
At nature happening out there
You're looking at you
That's the real you-
The you that goes on of itself
Now listen
It's absolutely necessary
That we let go of ourselves- and it can't be done,
Not by anything that we call doing it, acting, willing,
Or even just accepting things
It seems that the human being
Really has a very simple kind of mind... ~ Alan Watts (Mid 20th century philosopher).
Further Musing:
Monday, June 28, 2010
Health Benifits of Fasting
There has been much contention in the scientific field about whether or not fasting is beneficial to one's health. Fasting is an integral part of many of the major religions including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Many are dubious as to whether the physiological effects are as beneficial as the spiritual promoted by these religions. There is a significant community of alternative healers who believe that fasting can do wonders for the human body. This paper will look at the arguments presented by these healers in an attempt to raise awareness of the possible physiological benefits that may result from fasting.
Fasting technically commences within the first twelve to twenty-four hours of the fast. A fast does not chemically begin until the carbohydrate stores in the body begin to be used as an energy source. The fast will continue as long as fat and carbohydrate stores are used for energy, as opposed to protein stores. Once protein stores begin to be depleted for energy (resulting in loss of muscle mass) a person is technically starving.
The benefits of fasting must be preceded by a look at the body's progression when deprived of food. Due to the lack of incoming energy, the body must turn to its own resources, a function called autolysis. (2) Autolysis is the breaking down of fat stores in the body in order to produce energy. The liver is in charge of converting the fats into a chemical called a ketone body, "the metabolic substances acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid" (3), and then distributing these bodies throughout the body via the blood stream. "When this fat utilization occurs, free fatty acids are released into the blood stream and are used by the liver for energy." (3) The less one eats, the more the body turns to these stored fats and creates these ketone bodies, the accumulation of which is referred to as ketosis. (4)
Detoxification is the foremost argument presented by advocates of fasting. "Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph glands, and skin." (5). This process is precipitated by fasting because when food is no longer entering the body, the body turns to fat reserves for energy. "Human fat is valued at 3,500 calories per pound," a number that would lead one to believe that surviving on one pound of fat every day would provide a body with enough energy to function normally. (2) These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or growth, not excreted, and therefore converted into fat. When the fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it releases the chemicals from the fatty acids into the system which are then eliminated through the aforementioned organs. Chemicals not found in food but absorbed from one's environment, such as DDT, are also stored in fat reserves that may be released during a fast. One fasting advocate tested his own urine, feces and sweat during an extended fast and found traces of DDT in each. (5)
A second prescribed benefit of fasting is the healing process that begins in the body during a fast. During a fast energy is diverted away from the digestive system due to its lack of use and towards the metabolism and immune system. (6) The healing process during a fast is precipitated by the body's search for energy sources. Abnormal growths within the body, tumors and the like, do not have the full support of the body's supplies and therefore are more susceptible to autolysis. Furthermore, "production of protein for replacement of damaged cells (protein synthesis) occurs more efficiently because fewer 'mistakes' are made by the DNA/RNA genetic controls which govern this process." A higher efficiency in protein synthesis results in healthier cells, tissues and organs. (7) This is one reason that animals stop eating when they are wounded, and why humans lose hunger during influenza. Hunger has been proven absent in illnesses such as gastritis, tonsillitis and colds. (2) Therefore, when one is fasting, the person is consciously diverting energy from the digestive system to the immune system.
In addition, there is a reduction in core body temperature. This is a direct result of the slower metabolic rate and general bodily functions. Following a drop in blood sugar level and using the reserves of glucose found in liver glycogen, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is reduced in order to conserve as much energy within the body as can be provided. (2) Growth hormones are also released during a fast, due to the greater efficiency in hormone production. (7)
Finally, the most scientifically proven advantage to fasting is the feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy. Part of this phenomenon is caused by a number of the benefits mentioned above. A slower metabolic rate, more efficient protein production, an improved immune system, and the increased production of hormones contributes to this long-term benefit of fasting. In addition to the Human Growth Hormone that is released more frequently during a fast, an anti-aging hormone is also produced more efficiently. (7) "The only reliable way to extend the lifespan of a mammal is under-nutrition without malnutrition." (5) A study was performed on earthworms that demonstrated the extension of life due to fasting. The experiment was performed in the 1930s by isolating one worm and putting it on a cycle of fasting and feeding. The isolated worm outlasted its relatives by 19 generations, while still maintaining its youthful physiological traits. The worm was able to survive on its own tissue for months. Once the size of the worm began to decrease, the scientists would resume feeding it at which point it showed great vigor and energy. "The life-span extension of these worms was the equivalent of keeping a man alive for 600 to 700 years."
In conclusion, it seems that there are many reasons to consider fasting as a benefit to one's health. The body rids itself of the toxins that have built up in our fat stores throughout the years. The body heals itself, repairs all the damaged organs during a fast. And finally there is good evidence to show that regulated fasting contributes to longer life. However, many doctors warn against fasting for extended periods of time without supervision. There are still many doctors today who deny all of these points and claim that fasting is detrimental to one's health and have evidence to back their statements. The idea of depriving a body of what society has come to view as so essential to our survival in order to heal continues to be a topic of controversy.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Learning how to go with the flow.
Success comes in being able to set goals, make a plan; however, more importantly, in being able to be flexible enough to change with the greater changes and still keep in mind those goals. I tend to think that while I make plans for my life and set goals, that God, "The Almighty", has an ultimate plan and goal for me. ...The Eastern Taoist "philosophers" would understand this wisdom as: that while I try to "do" life, life has a way of "happening". The wisdom, in one sense, comes in learning how to access that greater plan and have faith that God has plans to prosper us; and in another more philosophic translation it is to be an active part of the "happening" that seems to be part of life, all of life.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Approaching the hard problem of consciousness.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Center and Circumference of the self.
Without the center there is no circumference, and without the circumference there is no center. .. In this way the human being is inseparable from the whole of the universe... one's centrality of existence is something like an aperture of which the fundamental principle of the universe has come alive and can view itself.
Noumenon and consciousness
An excerpt from one of my analytical papers on the nature of consciousness:
Consciousness, is an awareness; however in its noumenon form it is a particular series of energetic principals and patterns occurring in nature that we may understand as “I” myself, and is not separate from our bodies and souls; however, is of o...ur body, which is greater than mere physical consideration, that exist in a conjoined relationship with our environment and universe; inasmuch consciousness is the unifying factor of self between what separatist logic deems as the body and as the divine...
As noumenon is an archaic word predominately utilized by Kantian philosophers, I will define it here as from the same paper.
Noumenon: The aspect of reality that is the true form of the phenomenon, not based on appearance but something greater and usually undetectable by ordinary means. Or, The noumenon (from Greek νοούμενoν, present participle of νοέω "I think, I mean"; plural: νοούμενα - noumena) is a posited object or event that is independent of the senses. It classically refers to an object of human inquiry, understanding or cognition. As a concept it has much in common with objectivity, that which is tangible but not perceivable; the reflection of phenomenon.
The term is generally used in contrast with, or in relation to "phenomenon", which refers to appearances, or objects of the senses. A phenomenon can be an exceptional, unusual, or abnormal thing or event—but it must be perceptible through the senses; A noumenon cannot be the actual object that results in the phenomenon in question. Noumena are objects or events known only to the mind - independent of the known and ordinary senses. It may be further contrasted with the perception and processing of a phenomenon in the human mind.
If you think about the fact that we human beings utilize less than 10% of our brain capacity, and many of us even less than that, there is yet another 90% which is a potential or unseen.
To also consider, briefly, what ancient Chinese philosophers called Tao Te is most simply translated as The Way. The way that oceans wave, the way that the sun shines, the way that birds migrate, the way of things in their most natural state. What they were talking about was that deeper sense of things, that Western philosophers call noumenon. I ... See Morefind it even more interesting that Jesus Christ, the "I am" also understood himself as "The Way". Perhaps that because of the very nature of his Divinity was rooted in the source of that which is the ultimate nature of God and God's way. How else would the son of God be able to tell the world that he is indeed the Divine one of prophesy than to describe himself "I Am" (the transcendentally divine consciousness), and "I am The Way". Furthermore, he stated he is The Way, The Truth, and The Light, all of which when considered in the context of the noumenon would be ways that would best describe that the truth central to the core of reality, that which is beyond existence, that which is the noumenon itself.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
You get what you pray for.
Spiritual tools of faith
Immanuel Kant described reality observable through scientific things as phenomenon, and aptly called the central unseen center of reality as the Noumea, or Noumenon.Our world seems to readily believe in things that it can see and measure with ruler and pen; however, there are others tools with which we encounter the me...taphysical, the spiritual, God in essence. Those tools are glimpsed in the peripherals of our conscious experience, and are internalized as things like faith, love, forgiveness, etc... They are the spiritual tools of which have been implanted in each and every human being so that each of us may indeed come to know (personally) that which is beyond existence and time and space, so that we may come through faith to know God. Indeed, Kant left off with simply stating that this needed more investigation in a metaphysical work, because at the time he was writing "The critique of pure reason". Still, however, as a fellow INTP (who impulsively searches for meaning and truth) he could not dismiss the overwhelming fact of the human experience to those intuitive kinds of tools that seem to be ingrained somewhere deep in our souls.I can see that Faith is belief in things unproven and unseen, for it is itself something unseen but surely felt; more deeply in some than in others. It has also been said that Faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see (Heberews 11:1) On a bit of a rabbit trail this is an excellent chapter discussing deeply the virtue and wisdom of faith.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
It is my theory that within the relationship between the INTP and the INFJ, there is a grand accident that lends itself to compatibility between the two types.The INTP is most happy when allowed to rationally examine, explore, and explain his motivations and self-analysis and observation to an intimate partner. This is simply because the INTP loves self exploration, loves to gather knowledge and insight into his own actions, not for the sake of emotional discovery, simply out of a sense of curiosity and need to analyze and collect data.The INTP unemotionally and detachedly explains why he or she thinks in a certain way - that is what INTPs are best at, observation, particularly of themselves - and the INFJ then thinks that they are opening up to them, and becomes moved and emotionally attached to the INTP. The INTP sees that their observations are being received and interesting to the INFJ, so they continue. A fascinating relationship between two types. A relationship of total mutual miscommunication, the motivations are completely different, but with a reinforcing result. The INTP feels the closeness and intimacy of being able to share their scientific self-analysis, and the INFJ feels that the INTP is sharing their innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and so the cycle of miscommunication keeps them locked together in a positively reenforcing relationship.
I am: INTP
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Archtypes and moral evidence for the existence of God.
Sanctity of life as maxim toward evolution of human thought.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Cosmic paints: Complements between Theology and Science.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Define me outside the box.
I may say I am politically independent because I don't think any of our currently existing political bodies represent the best interests of the people; I may say I am morally conservative because my moral foundations are conservationist of life, of family, and environment. I may say I am a Christian, a scientist, a philosopher; just as, I may say I... See More am a husband/father, a musician, and a carpenter. We will stay where we are most comfortable. If we want to live in a box we will; if we want to live outside of a box we will. I am reminded of an Old Italian saying, "After a game of chess, kings and pawns are all placed in the same box". In the end we have more in common than any of the superficial ideals we hold in life.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Freedom of choice or human violence?
Of heart and mind.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
To each their own fruit.
Everywhere, God is present.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Walk with the Lord, and GOD WILL HUMBLE YOU.
What we pray for is what we get.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day 2010.
We are stewards of God's earth, ruling over that which is not ours. "You [God] made humans ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under our feet: All flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, th...e birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas," Ps 8:6-8.
We are care-takers. "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till and keep it," Genesis 2:15. The Hebrew words shamar and abad, usually translated as "till and keep" in this verse, could be just as accurately translated as "serve and preserve." The word shamar is also used in Numbers 6:24: "The Lord bless you and keep you." God desires that we treat the creation in the same way that God treats us.God... is present everywhere in and through the whole creation in all its parts and in all places, and so the world is full of God and God fills it all, yet God is not limited to or circumscribed by it, but is at the same time beyond and above the whole creation. ~ Martin Luther.
Let all regard themselves as the stewards of God in all things which they possess. Then they will neither conduct themselves dissolutely, nor corrupt by abuse those things which God requires to be preserved. ~John Calvin
To commit a crime against the natural world is a sin...For humans to cause species to become extinct and to destroy the biological diversity of God's creation, for humans to degrade the integrity of the earth by stripping the earth of its natural forests, or destroying its wetlands... for humans to contaminate the earth's water, its land, its air, and its life with poisonous substances...these are sins. ~ Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Orthodox Churches
Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another. ~Juvenal, Satires
Happy Earth Day!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Christian who believes evolution and creation are compatable.
In short, theistic evolutionists believe that there is a God, that God is the creator of the material universe and (by consequence) all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God employed to develop human life.Theistic evolution is not ... See Morea theory in the scientific sense, but a particular view about how the science of evolution relates to religious belief and interpretation. Theistic evolution supporters can be seen as one of the groups who reject the conflict thesis regarding the relationship between religion and science – that is, they hold that religious teachings about creation and scientific theories of evolution need not contradict. In describing early proponents of this viewpoint, it is sometimes described as Christian Darwinism.
I am a Christian who accepts the scientific theory of evolution. There is a lot of nonsense out there about the theory of evolution coming from both extremes: In one sense that it denies the Virgin Birth, that it denies the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ; and in the other sense that because of a natural process there is no need for God. These ... See Moreideas are blindsided by bias and are far from accepting the rational explaination that God created and continues to create according to natural principles observed by science. Those natural principles (Natural Law in the sciences) are the wonderous orchestration by which God created all things.
It wasn't long ago that the world was still flat and was the center of the universe. It wasn't long ago that a man named Galileo was condemed for suggesting from his scientific observations that the Earth indeed is round and revolves around the Sun. Since that time 350 years ago we have come to take Galileo's ideas for granted. There is no flaw to ... See Moresay that God is real, and that he creates by the method of his creation being the natrual principles which can be observed by the use of the minds that he created us with. Tomas Aquains didn't write the bible, but he did empart us with a 13th century politically correct time-scale of all creation in order to appease his leaders. Galileo dared dispute this with cosmological evidence that suggested otherwise, and now today the new debate between science and theology is no different. There is no real contradiction between observable phenomenon existing in nature and belief in the Holy Trinity and Jesus Christ.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A wonderful fruit in the art of reason is the notion of complement over contradiction. Now while we can never make an apple an orange, nor an orange and apple, we can notice what they have in common: how they complement eachother instead of bashing them into our forheads trying so hard to change them into the other. There are much easier ways to make juice :>) We can notice about apples and oranges that they are both fruit of a tree; that they have their own unique flavor, but both are sweet; that they are both round and have skin, seeds, and pulp; that both provide nourishment unique to their design, creation, and development. Now that we can see that an apple is an apple, and an orange is an orange we can appreciate each for its own unique and wonderful taste. And knowing one from the other also allows us to really enjoy the unique qualities specific to the other; i.e., because the orange is tangy and the apple is sweet, knowing this will allow me to enjoy the sweetness of the apple when that is what I am thirsty for.
Correlations of psychology and christianity (very brief).
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Taking personal assessment.
We are what we think.
If you want to change your life first begin by choosing which toughts you will put into actions, and which ones you will not let devour you. Once you can do this, you may begin to change your thought patterns from their very root.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Galileo was a devout Christian, as well as an amazing scientist. He knew the tools and purposes for his faith, and his science, and he knew how to use each set of tools accordingly. He was considered a heretic by his own church, and was threatened with death of himself and family. He was put on house arrest for the remainder of his life, even after... See More being forced to rescend his great scientific work that the Earth did infact revolve around the sun instead of the Earth being the center of the universe. We are all created in his (God's) image, and it is amazing that he created us to be conscious, rational beings who can love and who can wonder and create. We were designed with our scientific minds for a reason, as holy and wonderful as the miracle of life itself. I am glad that 350 years later I can look to the heavens and know that we orbit the sun, still wonder at all there is, and thank God for all of it. I realate to this man because I am both a Christian, a philosopher, and a scientist. I wonder what things that I find non contradictory between science and faith, but the majority on either side find absurd to think, will be accepted as relavent 300 years from now.
An interesting note on the Likert format is that even numbered likert scale invites the test taker to make a distinctive choice (yes/no; black/white), while the odd numbered scale allows for neutrality.
Since we are young psychologists I will create a Likert format for Sigmund Freud.
1) Do you think Sigmund Freud was accurate in his assessment of the human psyche?
a) very much b) somewhat c) unsure d) not really e) not at all
2) Would you trust Sigmund Freud to put you into hypnosis and administer psychotherapy?
a) You bet! b) maybe c)don't know d) probably not e)No way Jose
3) Do you find Freud to be accurate in his ideas about the Oedipus and Electra complex?
a) absolutely b)a little c) he confuses me d) not so much e) you have got to be kidding!
4) I agree with excessive deduction to the point of nihilism.
a) Not at all ! b) perhaps, but not really C) ??? d) somewhat e) Absolutely, and I like Nietzsche too!
5) Freud probably created his theories based on the need of his own issues with his mother and father.
1) BINGO! 2) probably 3) I like bunnies 4) don't be absurd 5) your mockery is insulting to the greatest psychologist of the early 20th century, NO!
Just for fun...
A life well lived is dedicated to that which will outlast it.
Consciousness and Blue Brain
Posted by Alex K. Marthaller.
To boldly go...
Is the primary stuff of the Universe: Consciousness; Material; both; neither; or something else? This is the departure when approaching the hard problem of consciousness. Check out David Chalmers for an insightful look into how quantum physics may suggest that matter and consciousness are merely two dimentions in which we perceive the stuff of the ... See Moreuniverse, but there is way more stuff of the universe than we are capable of ever understanding existing within multiple dimentions beyond time and space... sitting only a millimeter away from you. God, Heaven, and the essence of which, could dwell beyond these dimentions, neither "fully" existing or not existing (it does, however, exist in terms we can comprehend) in the way we understand, but something much more complex and wonderful than we know as the central entity of creation manifested in so many wonderful ways, material and consciousness being only two of an infinate number of possibilities. Sleep well my friends.
Evolution from the theistic point of view I.
From the news clip:
New Hominid Shares Traits With Homo Species: Fossil Find Sheds Light on the Transition to Homo Genus from Earlier HominidsScienceDaily (Apr. 8, 2010) — Two partial skeletons unearthed from a cave in South Africa belong to a previously unclassified species of hominid that is now shedding new light on the evolution of ou...r own species, Homo sapiens, researchers say. The newly documented species, called Australopithecus sediba, was an upright walker that shared many physical traits with the earliest known Homo species -- and its introduction into the fossil record might answer some key questions about what it means to be human. The fossils are between 1.95 and 1.78 million years old, and in this week's issue of Science, the peer-reviewed journal published by AAAS, the nonprofit science society, two reports describe both the physical characteristics of this new Australopithecus species as well as the ancient environment in which it lived and died. The emerging picture is one of a hominid with a bone structure similar to the earliest Homo species, but who employed it more as an Australopithecus, like the famed "Lucy," would have.These new fossils, however, represent a hominid that appeared approximately one million years later than Lucy, and their features imply that the transition from earlier hominids to the Homo genus occurred in very slow stages, with various Homo-like species emerging first.Go to sciencedaily .com to find out more.
"Always be amazed, understand reasonably; Always give the glory to God". This is the complementary balance between the scientific nature of our perception and our faith in creation.
Complement between Science and Faith I.
This speaks volumes to me about the intricate relationship between God and the beauty and wonder of his creation. Something as "seemingly simple" as the ripening of a grape (or a mustard seed for that matter) can encapsulate the amazing beauty of Gods creation. Just look around you, it is everywhere, it is even inside of you. Within a "functional" relationship between science and faith, we must understand that each has a wonderful set of tools used to discover principles for each. Faith tools guide our souls into a ripening relationship with our creator, and Scientific tools allow us to wonder, observe, reason, deduce about our shared physical world. Our minds in all of their capacity of reason were created in the image of our creator; it is why we are creative in the first place, and why we can love. Our minds are not mistakes; science and faith (or better yet academic reasoning and theology) have no quam: they do not need to be so heavily guarded, and they certianly do not contradict eachother as so many maintain. Contradiction is 90% contention from such the mind. Look for compliment between science and faith, and you will discover that it is like having a microscope or teliscope into the mind of God as you are able to observe his wonderful and beautiful creation from the most amazing vistas.