Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Complement between Science and Faith I.

The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. ~ Galileo.

This speaks volumes to me about the intricate relationship between God and the beauty and wonder of his creation. Something as "seemingly simple" as the ripening of a grape (or a mustard seed for that matter) can encapsulate the amazing beauty of Gods creation. Just look around you, it is everywhere, it is even inside of you. Within a "functional" relationship between science and faith, we must understand that each has a wonderful set of tools used to discover principles for each. Faith tools guide our souls into a ripening relationship with our creator, and Scientific tools allow us to wonder, observe, reason, deduce about our shared physical world. Our minds in all of their capacity of reason were created in the image of our creator; it is why we are creative in the first place, and why we can love. Our minds are not mistakes; science and faith (or better yet academic reasoning and theology) have no quam: they do not need to be so heavily guarded, and they certianly do not contradict eachother as so many maintain. Contradiction is 90% contention from such the mind. Look for compliment between science and faith, and you will discover that it is like having a microscope or teliscope into the mind of God as you are able to observe his wonderful and beautiful creation from the most amazing vistas.

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