Monday, April 19, 2010

Correlations of psychology and christianity (very brief).

This is a topic which deserves an entire volume written on its account. Perhaps I will be the fella to write it. I was thinking about the corelations of psychology and the bible last night, and it occured to me that much of what happens when a person comes to Jesus and dedicates his/her life to change and positive growth, is actually strikingly similar to the processes in what is modernly coined as "cognitive restructuring psychology". For example, realize ... See Morehow your mind isn't working, and take steps to change your beliefs so that it does work. Very interesting correlations. Christ's teachings also include many great virtues which are the cornerstone of the humanist approaches to psychology such as learning to love and forgive. There is definatley strong relationships between modern psychology and Christianity. I think this is because of the connected nature between the spirit and the mind. If you have a healthy spirit, you will have a healthy mind; and, if you have a healthy mind you will have a potentially healthy spirit. What affects one reverberates to affect the other. So, it is the spiritual presence and cleansing of Christ's teachings which affect the positive development of one's psyche when he/ she becomes a Christian and makes those life changes a reality. I think the bible is the greatest book ever written, It is the historical testomony of mankinds relationship with God, Christ's teachings, and spiritual wisdom virtues; but as far Psych books go I would have to say that the two volume work of, Pre-Freudian, philosopher and psychologist William James "The Principles of Psychology 1896" is the greatest Psych text in the history of psychological sciences.

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